In discussion of weight and body image, one controversial issue has been whether it is just something women in our society struggle with or if men go through the same pressures. Some argue that men do not face as much scrutiny for the way they look while others feel men face the same if not more pressure for their personal appearance. I believe men face the same pressures as women do, if not more.

If you open any magazine from a newsstand today, you will find pages full of perfectly sculpted men and women with flawless appearances, with not one ounce of fat on their bodies. The media has set this standard of Americans, pretty much saying without words if you want the beautiful clothes and the beautiful women, you should look like this.  If you have a problem getting your body to look like a models, all you have to do is turn on any channel on T.V and you will find commercials full of the next best weight loss supplement, or new greatest home gym. Open any newspaper and you find articles about weight loss and how being overweight is “unhealthy”. Men are being forced to fit this perfect image, with the “perfect” lifestyle just as women are.

I know within my social circle, most of the men that I hang out with are very into their personal appearance. Many of the boys go get haircuts every week, go to the gym once a day, never go off their diets, always dress top notch. They have sculpted themselves into a lifestyle of non stop maintenance. The media has brainwashed many young American men to believe that this is a normal way of life. Take shows like The Jersey Shore, all the men have perfect bodies, nice clothes and flawless hair, and their image results in them getting with many different women. My friends for example, see this way of life, and the outcome they would receive by looking like this way, and want what the cast on the show has.

All men have different opinions on how they view body image. Some feel that it is an importance to always look their best and be on top, while others feel personal image isn’t all that big of a deal. The media has directly influenced men’s ways of thinking about themselves, after all taking care of yourself helps improves confidence, self esteem, and general self happiness, and  who wouldn’t want that?