Some may say that watching television could be educational, depending on what is being viewed. There is plenty of educational programs on television today. The news for instance gives a great deal of information immediately from what is currently happening around the world. Views can learn right away what is happening with a brief and detailed message.

But along with the news there comes other education channels like, The National Geographic Channel, and Discovery Channel. The shows that is aired on this channels gives a great amount of information where people could understand. Other television channels and episodes are mostly associated with entertainment. Generally these shows are purely for entertainment.  Steven Johnson’s article for  The New York Times, Watching TV Makes You Smarter could be argued that, not all of the shows that is on television today could be making people smarter. Most shows televised aren’t at all trying to be educational like The  Real House Wifes, and MTV’s Jersey Shore. People might not be getting the most of intellectual conversations or messages from these kind of shows today.

While more information is available for people today, the only thing that can be understood that is if the viewer doesn’t understand something that is on the aired show, the viewer can immediately look up the information on the internet. Therefore this can explain how some people maybe learning from watching television. Not the way Steven Johnson explains. Even though the information that is given to the viewer can help with solving what is happening next on the aired show. People wouldn’t take an IQ test immediately following The Jersey Shore Show and would have got a higher score.